Unshakable: A Response to Coronavirus

As we gather for church this weekend on our computers and laptops, we are being called to be people who have faith that gives us confidence to confront the moment we’re in, to be calm in the midst of the storm, and to continue living with courage.

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Ryan Wekenman
Experience God

How we experience God is completely dependent upon us. We can have a lot of knowledge about God, but that will only get us so far. What stories are you creating through your relationship with your Heavenly Father?

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Doug Wekenman
Austin, We Have The Solution

The answer to what we are all looking for isn’t in a shiny new product that releases. It’s not in a marketing campaign. It’s above every false promise. The answer is found in a person and his name is Jesus.

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Doug Wekenman
God's Favorite Kids

God wants to bring favor to his kids but it's up to us to decide how we position ourselves to receive it. Even though the space may change, the pursuit of favor still goes with us.

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Doug Wekenman
Faces Of Grace

Our souls naturally need and desire to be in community and apart of a family. Not only does your soul crave to be part of a family, but that same family needs you to bring resurgence to the group.

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Ethan Matott
Rich In Relationships

You have to follow Jesus for yourself, but you are not designed to follow Jesus by yourself. The greatest wealth in the world can be found in healthy relationships. We can finish our race strong when we don’t let each other fall behind.

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Doug Wekenman
Love. Live. Laugh.

Are you budgeting your week to section off small pieces for God? Or, are you living each moment and doing each activity with God? When we remember that our confidence comes from His love for us, we can live each moment with joy and relationship with Him.

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Ethan Matott
Battle Ready

Every day we wake up with battles we must prepare for. Thankfully, God has already provided us with weapons to use for not just defense, but for offense as well.

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Doug Wekenman
The Heart of Sacrifice

As a church, we are placing a stake in the ground that we will be generous. We must sacrifice now in order to build off this foundation for our future. If we want this to be our legacy, then we must be willing to talk about money together as a family.

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Ethan Matott
Freedom And Funding

The giving of money leads to freedom for you and funding for God’s Kingdom. The harvest is plentiful, but it’s generosity that determines how fast we harvest it. Everything we need is in the house.

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Doug Wekenman
Jesus As Lord

Believing in Jesus doesn’t cost you anything. Following Jesus and calling Him Lord will cost you everything. When was the last time you go out of your own way?

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Doug Wekenman