Bread of Life

Seven times in the Gospel of John, Jesus makes an "I AM" statement and tells us who He is. The first thing He wants us to know is He is the bread of life. He is our provision (what we need) and our satisfaction (what we want). The only question is: "Are you hungry?"

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Doug Wekenman
We Need to Talk

In the final week of our relationship series, James Powell equips us with the biblical strategies needed when someone says, "We need to talk."

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James Powell
Offensive Relationships

Relationships take work. Marriage is hard. Is it even worth it? Scripture has the answer for the real purpose of relationship that takes us from earthly striving to kingdom thriving.

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Ethan Matott
Fight for Freedom

When it comes to love, sex and intimacy, the world has strategies that appear to be right, but the stats tell a different story. We tackle the topic of pornography and sexual immorality with grace, hope and better vision.

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Doug Wekenman
God-Rails in Singleness and Dating

The world has a lot of bad strategies for relationships, but in this series we're talking about the BIBLICAL STRATEGIES. Ryan kicks off week 1 by giving us not just guard rails but God-Rails for singleness and dating.

Oh, and he WROTE A BOOK! Pre-order "Single Today" here:

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Ryan Wekenman
You Can Change

This week, Doug encourages us that we CAN change and decide what story we will tell. He walks us through the story in which Jesus heals the paralyzed man at the pool, showing us that the turning point in the story, as well as our own stories, is whether or not we WANT to change.

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Doug Wekenman
Laundry Day

A new year doesn't erase our past, pain, patterns, or problems. But new IS possible not because it's January but because of Jesus. Let's deal with the dirt!

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Ethan Matott