I've Got a Sound Mind

Doug addresses the topic of mental health and how we can view it from a Biblical context. When we trust in Jesus we can declare a ‘sound mind’ even when we don’t feel it because Jesus died to set us free! When the storms of life come we can cling to the promise of 2 Timothy 1:7 “for God has not given is a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind."

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Doug Wekenman
The Dinner Party

Jesus makes a Dinner Party more awkward than The Office episode to show us the kind of church we are called to be, the life we are called to live, and the people we are called to reach.

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Ethan Matott
Single Today

It's possible to live a full abundant life today. But first you have to let go of regret, grudges, and shame from yesterday.

This week, Ryan teaches us how to live a life fully alive, sharing a glimpse into his book "Single Today" releasing on April 23rd.

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Ryan Wekenman
The Vine

Do you want to live an effective life that matters? The final week of our I AM series is a playbook for how to live a fruitful life.

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Doug Wekenman
The Way, The Truth, The Life

Jesus makes a bold claim at the Last Supper when he says, "no one comes to the Father except through me." But don't all roads and religions lead to the same destination in the end? Jesus has the answer, invitation, and the life we are looking for.

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Ethan Matott
The Resurrection and the Life

The resurrection means many things for your life. If you're anxious, there's peace. If you're sad, there's hope. If you're dead, there's life. If you're hesitant, there's evidence. If you're fine, there's more. And if you're here, there's heaven.

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Doug Wekenman
The Good Shepherd

Jesus doesn't just call himself "The Shepherd" He says, "I AM the GOOD Shepherd." What does this mean to the people listening to him and what does it mean for us?

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Ethan Matott
I am the Door

Jesus is the door. In week 3 of the I AM series, Ryan reminds us that in a world where we want to be the door keepers and deciders of who is in and who is out, the full and abundant life we are looking for can only be found in Jesus.

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Ryan Wekenman
The Light of the World

In week 2 of the I AM series, Ryan walk us through John 8, showing us how Jesus is the light of the world -- that light exposes lies, guides our feet, and leads the lost home.

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Ryan Wekenman